Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Coupons, Money and Your Husbands' Heart

WHAT IN THE WORLD!!!!  I have been using coupons now for a year and have saved a lot of money. Through doing that I thought, this could be a ministry. You know you have alway been told the way to a man's heart is through his stomach? Nothing could be further from the truth...... to be continued... I will be back I promise.....

Babies In Heaven

Today, I was talking to a young mother who has two healthy, beautiful children. She is dealing with a tremendous burden though as she is walking through a valley. Her new baby is in a NICU not doing well. As, I was talking to her, I too was remembering my valley 15 years ago this October. My husband and I embarked upon a very hard, rocky journey as we brought a life into this world, only to hold that life 11 days. Issac was born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome.  And 11 days later, we felt as much pain as we had joy just a few days before.
So, as I talked with this young mother, and listened as she poured her heart out about her own dear little one. I thought, Lord, maybe just maybe I can now reach out to these precious moms who can not feel You at this time in their life. I remember being in a room full of people and feeling like I was all alone. It is so very hard to believe that a Loving, Caring, All-Knowing God, would allow His children to go through something so horrible. But we as His children have to remember Romans 8:28 -  And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. We must know in our hearts that we love God, He loves us, and He has a purpose for our lives.
At the time of our valley, I didn't  know if I could ever be in a place to help others in my situation. Now, maybe I can.
These precious little ones that come into our live, have a purpose as well. Maybe it is to show us how to really trust the Lord, draw us closer to Him. Maybe it is to show us how fragile life is and help us realize how much we truely take for granted.
Whatever God's plan is for us and our babies through these times, please take heart in knowing that you are not alone. There are other moms who know what you are going through. But most of all, God has not forsaken you, He is there with arms wide open ready to receive your pain and heart ache. Run to Him and accept that peace that only He can give. Philippians 4:7 - And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.


Welcome to my site!! My name is Beth Reynolds and the Lord has laid it upon my heart to start a ministry to help women to be the heart of their home. So please take a look around I hope something will help you and draw you closer to the Lord. Have a Blessed Day.....Beth